Nomination Remuneration and Governance Committee

Ph.D.Nattakit Tangpoonsinthana

Independent Director / Chairman of Nomination Remuneration and Governance Committee

Mr.Montri Mahaplerkpong

กำหนดค่าตอบแทน และกำกับดูแลกิจการ

Mr.Somyot Chanchungthaworn

กำหนดค่าตอบแทน และกำกับดูแลกิจการ

Roles and Responsibilities

Composition of the Board of Directors

(1) To review the structure, size, and composition of the Board of Directors to be in line with the current and future strategic direction of business operations, and to propose any changes to the Board of Directors for approval.

Nomination and Appointment of Directors Chief Executive Officer and Chief Executive Officer

(2) To consider and determine the qualifications and criteria for the nomination of qualified persons to serve as directors of the Company. Sub-committee members Chief Executive Officer, and Senior Executives to propose to the Board of Directors for approval.

(3) Recruiting and selecting suitable candidates in the field of knowledge. Experience and expertise to serve as a director of the Company to propose to the Board of Directors for appointment and / or presentation to the shareholders' meeting for further election consideration (as the case may be)

(4) To consider and review the independence of each independent director to ensure that the independent directors of the Company are fully qualified by the relevant rules.

(5) To consider and propose to the Board of Directors the approval of the appointment of persons to serve as the Chairman and directors of the Company's sub-committees.

(6) To consider and select a suitable person to serve as the Chief Executive Officer to propose to the Board of Directors for approval.

(7) To consider nominating the Company's persons to serve as directors in the subsidiaries. Associates and Joint Venture Companies

Orientation and continuous knowledge development

(8) Supervise the orientation of new directors.

(9) To consider, review and provide suggestions to the Board of Directors regarding the process of continuous knowledge development for directors.

Performance Evaluation

(10) Supervise the procedures and guidelines for the annual performance evaluation of the Board of Directors, sub-committees and each director. and report the results of the assessment to the Board of Directors.

(11) Determine the rules, objectives, and indicators of the annual and long-term performance of the Chief Executive Officer and senior executives.

(12) To consider and evaluate the performance of the Chief Executive Officer and propose it to the Board of Directors for approval purposes of determining remuneration.

Succession plan

(13) Establish programs for the development of knowledge of directors and senior executives and succession plans and review such projects and plans annually.


(14) Determine the remuneration policy of directors and sub-directors for the Board of Directors to consider and approve and propose to the shareholders' meeting for approval. Compensation must be in line with the assigned duties and increased responsibilities and be comparable to companies in the same industry.

(15) To consider and formulate a remuneration policy for the Chief Executive Officer and Senior Executives to propose to the Board of Directors for approval.

(16) To consider determining the remuneration and annual salary increase for the Chief Executive Officer to propose to the Board of Directors for approval.


(17) Monitor trends and developments related to good corporate governance practices and propose to the Board of Directors for consideration and approval of changes to the Charter of the Board of Directors and related corporate governance policies.

(18) Monitor and supervise the Company's operations in accordance with relevant corporate governance policies.

(19) Supervising the preparation and disclosure of corporate governance reports, including remuneration of directors in the Company's annual report.


(21) Perform any other duties as assigned by the Board of Directors.