Sustainability and Risk Management Committee

Mr.Komsan Jumroonpong

Chairman of Sustainability and Risk Management Committee

Mr.Rathwiroon Chanchungthaworn


Mr.Anuchate Saenkhot


Roles and Responsibilities

Business Development for Sustainability and Risk Management

1) Determine the responsible persons and roles and duties to drive each important sustainability issue to achieve coherent work.

2) Determine the organization's risk management policy and propose it to the Board of Directors for approval.

3) Supervise the operation in accordance with the principles of human rights and sustainable community development.

4) Supervise major risks at the organizational level, including climate change risks, other sustainability-related risks, and emerging risks that affect the organization.

5) Review the Company's business development for sustainability and effective risk management along with socially and environmentally responsible operations as part of the normal business process.

6) Review and approve the framework of policies and objectives for sustainable business management at the corporate level to be submitted to the Board of Directors for consideration.

7) Review and approve the risk management framework, including policies and procedures for ranking, management, and management. Tracking and reporting of critical business risks.

8) Review the Company's risk appetite requirements annually and propose them to the Board of Directors for approval.

9) Review the material risk report and risk management measures prepared by the management to ensure that these risks are managed to an acceptable level of risk.

10) Review and approve the Sustainability Development Report to be submitted to the Board of Directors for approval.

11) Report the performance of business development for sustainability and risk management of management to the Board of Directors quarterly.