Corporate Policy Documents

The Company respects and values the rights of shareholders both as investors and owners of the Company by encouraging all groups of shareholders to exercise their rights by fairness and basic rights, such as freely trading and transferring securities held by them, as well as having a share in the profits of the business and receiving sufficient information about the business. Through the website of the Stock Exchange of Thailand. The Company's website or other channels.

Premiere Quality Starch Public Company Limited


Corporate Governance Policy
Personal Data Protection Policy
Whistleblowing Policy on Wrongdoing and Corruption
Anti-Corruption Policy
Policy on Investigation of Complaints and Clues on Wrongdoing and Corruption
Information Management Policies and Guidelines
Information Technology Security Policy
Securities Trading Policy of the Commission
Sustainable Procurement Policy of Premier Quality Starch Public Company Limited

Internal Audit Policies and Procedures

Corporate Management Policy for Sustainability

Connected Transaction Policy

Internal Audit Policies and Procedures
Risk Management Policy
Dividend Payment Policy
Conflict of Interest Prevention Policy
Hedging Policy and Guidelines for Foreign Currencies
Human Rights Policy
Business Ethics
Trade Credit Policy and Credit Line
Accounting and Tax Policy

Corporate Documents

Articles of Association
Charter of the Board of Directors